High eye pressure is when the eye cannot drain the excess aqueous humour through its trabecular meshwork.
Your optometrist can perform routine eye exams and pressure test on your eyes to detect signs of vision loss. Glaucoma is the most serious risk from elevated intraocular pressure that goes untreated. This can cause significant vision loss and even blindness.
High eye pressure or glaucoma can be treated with help of both surgery and some medications, whereas ocular hypertension does not require any treatment. However, it is important to monitor the condition for long-term vision health.
High eye pressure research is ongoing. Continuing ongoing studies will also put some light on risks, causes, and possible treatments of high eye pressure.
High Eye Pressure: Meaning
The trabecular meshwork is the tissue around the cornea and iris that are responsible for the eye’s aqueous humour. This helps in maintaining the eye’s shape and nutrition required for vital structures.
It also eliminates waste through the use of trabecular meshwork. This drainage system allows for approximately 80 to 90% of the aqueous humour to flow into and out of circulation.
Healthy eyes have a fluid balance. However, the meshwork can become clogged for many reasons. This will result in increased inflow and outflow decrease. High fluid pressure can cause vision problems, including difficulty seeing in the dark and retinal detachment.
High IOP does not always lead to glaucoma. Ocular hypertension can be treated with prescriptions or surgery. However, monitoring may not be necessary to make sure there is no damage.
Is eye pressure normal?
Although high eye pressure may be a risk factor for developing glaucoma it does not necessarily mean that you will develop it. As per the Glaucoma Research Foundation, having fluctuations in eye pressure throughout the day is normal.
Ocular hypertension is when you have high eye pressure but no other symptoms or damage to your optic nerve. However, it is important to have testing done if you suspect you may develop glaucoma.
According to American Academy for Ophthalmology eye pressure can be measured in the same way as blood pressure. The amount of eye fluid and drainage are checked when eye pressure is being measured.
While no cause has been determined for high eye pressure in general, some factors have been associated with it.
When is High-eye Pressure Serious?
This can put you at greater risk of developing glaucoma. Ocular hypertension could make you a “glaucoma suspected” because it damages your optic nerves and eventually causes vision loss. Your eye doctor may want to closely examine your eye pressure, and then recommend steps to decrease it.
Glaucoma is a condition that can cause severe and throbbing symptoms such as headaches, blurry eyesight, nausea and vomiting, and eye redness. Speak with your doctor if noticing any of these symptoms. Your doctor may recommend that you have your eyes examined more often if your eye pressure exceeds 22 mm Hg.
Medical Treatments
It is impossible to reverse vision loss or glaucoma, but it can be treated if detected early enough.
Prescribed eye drops: The doctor might prescribe prescription drops like genuine careprost in the early stages of high or severe glaucoma. These eye drops aim to reduce fluid build-up or improve liquid flow.
Oral Medications: In the event that eye drops are not effective in relieving pressure or discomfort, a second medication may be prescribed. According to the Mayo Clinic, side effects that could be caused by medications like super lash bimatoprost include frequent urination; tingling in the fingers and feet, depression, stomach upset, kidney stones, and nausea.
Laser Therapy and Surgeries: Laser treatment or surgery can be performed to reduce the amount of fluid in the eye, focusing on the tubes where aqueous hormone flows.
Lifestyle and Homeopathic Tips
Changing your routine can help balance eye pressure and promote eye health.
Cardio – When you do cardio, you increase blood flow to your body. This includes the optic nerves as well as the retina. Cardio is an important part of your daily routine, as high blood pressure can lead to vision problems and eye diseases.
Healthy Diet – Eating dark leafy vegetables, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, and including more vitamins A, C, and E into your diet will improve overall eye health.
Elevated sleeping – According to The Mayo Clinic, putting your head on a wedge pillow (or a stack of pillows at an angle of 20 degrees) can help reduce eye pressure while you sleep.
Herbal Supplement- Bilberry, Ginkgo, and other herbs advertise their effectiveness against glaucoma. These supplements are not considered an alternative treatment as per prescribed medications or therapies suggested by the doctors.
Relaxation – Stress can cause an increase in eye pressure. Eye pressure can be reduced by meditation, yoga, and other coping strategies.
Marijuana – While it is not recommended by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), studies of alternative medicine have shown that marijuana can lower eye pressure for up to 3 to 4 hours.
Reduce Caffeine Intake – It’s common to hear that limiting caffeine intake is good for your overall health. High eye pressure can be caused by too much caffeine, according to studies.
If you feel any symptoms or discomforts while using this medication, make an appointment with a doctor.
How can you tell if your eyes are under high pressure?
Routine eye examinations often check your IOP. Perhaps you have been through an eye exam in which air blew into your eyes. The standard device used by optometrists to measure fluid pressure in the eye was this one. However, a more precise device is now available.
Tonometry is a pen-like device that has a circle of light at the end. After using eye drops by the doctor, then directly measure your eye pressure. Tonometry can give you very precise readings of pressure. If your pressure is slightly elevated but no other changes, your eye doctor will be able to tell you when your next exam will be.