How to Get Longer and Thicker Eyelashes

How to Get Longer and Thicker Eyelashes –

Eyelashes and health

Eyelashes protect the eyes from light debris. These also serve as sensors warning the eyes of potential danger as things come near.

Sparse or thin eyelids fall under a condition called hypotrichosis eyelash. People with hair loss, called alopecia, occasionally experience eyelashes thinning.

If you’re trying to get lengthier and thicker eyelashes, you can use several home treatments.

Be cautious of these unproven remedies

A quick search on the web for “how to grow eyelashes” will yield a long list of home remedies. Nonetheless, none of these treatments are scientifically proven, and may even harm the eyes in certain situations.

Some common home remedies which have not been scientifically proven to prolong eyelashes include:

Petroleum jelly: apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the eyelashes before bed for at least three days a week, and wash it away in the morning.

Green tea: Apply cool unsweetened green tea with a cotton ball to the eyelashes every day.

Olive oil with or without lemon: apply a small amount of olive oil to the eyelashes at night before bed with or without lemon peel infused in it and wash it off in the morning.

Castor oil: Apply a small amount of castor oil to the eyelashes before bed every night and wash it off in the morning.

Aloe vera: Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel before bed to the eyelashes, and wash it off in the morning.

Eyelid massage: Massage eyelids along the lash line with a Gently massage.

A proven way to get longer eyelashes

The only accepted treatment for lengthening the eyelashes is to use the drug carefully.

Bimatoprost (Careprost) is the only US-approved drug. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which makes eyelashes grow longer and thicker than ever before. It was originally developed to treat glaucoma as a medication called Lumigan, but researchers found that growth in eyelash was a side effect.

Your doctor may prescribe Careprost, that you regularly apply to the upper eyelid’s lash line (not the lower eyelid). Where used daily for at least two months, it provides full results. When you start using Careprost, you need to keep using it regularly to keep the results. Otherwise, the eyelashes will revert to their former state.

Careprost is safe and effective and has minimal side effects for most people. Possible side effects include:

  • itchy and red eyes
  • dry eyes
  • darkened eyelids
  • the darkened brown pigment in the iris (the colored part of the eye)
  • Hair growth on the face around the eyes if the medication is applied improperly to the eyelid

It’s very important to keep out of the eye drugs and other things that lengthen the eyelash. Extremely fragile skin. Having foreign substances in the eye may cause loss of vision and blindness in severe cases.

Grooming your eyelashes

Proper maintenance of the eyelashes will improve the health of your eyelashes, making them less likely to split. This can make them look lengthier and thicker. Few tips for grooming with the eyelash include:

  • brushing your eyelashes regularly with an eyelashes brush
  • Wash your face and eyes daily with gentle soap
  • At the end of each day remove eye makeup

There are many forms of home remedies that are meant to help grow one’s eyelashes, but none are proven effective or safe except for the eyelashes-lengthening drug Careprost approved by the FDA. It’s very important not to place potentially hazardous substances in or near your eyes. And if you’re using the medicine, you’ll need to make sure you keep it out of your eyes to prevent side effects.

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