What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a genuine eye condition that can cause blindness. It harms the optic nerve, which conveys information from your eyes to the visual center in your mind. This damage can result in permanent vision loss.
The most common kind of glaucoma has no early warning signs and can only be detected during a comprehensive eye exam. If undetected and untreated, glaucoma first causes peripheral vision loss and eventually can lead to blindness.
When you notice vision loss from glaucoma, it’s too late. The lost vision cannot be restored, and it’s probable you may experience extra vision loss, significantly after glaucoma treatment begins.
The best way to shield yourself and your family from vision loss and even visual impairment from glaucoma is to visit an eye doctor for routine comprehensive eye exams.
Just an optometrist or ophthalmologist is trained to detect the early warning signs of glaucoma and to start glaucoma treatment before vision loss occurs.
What causes glaucoma?
Much of the time, glaucoma is brought about by higher-than-ordinary weight inside the eye a condition called ocular hypertension.
But sometimes glaucoma can happen even when the pressure inside the eye called intraocular weight or “IOP” is ordinary.
A quick review of eye anatomy will help illustrate what causes glaucoma:
The space between the away from the surface of the eye (the cornea) and the lens inside the eye is filled with a clear fluid called the aqueous humor. This fluid nourishes the inside of the anterior part of the eye. It additionally keeps up the shape of the eye by keeping the eyeball properly pressurized.
The aqueous humor is continually being produced by a structure considered the ciliary body that encompasses the lens, and it drains from the eye through work like channel called the trabecular meshwork that is situated in the angle shaped inside the eye where the cornea and iris meet.
If something causes this “drainage angle” to shut down or the trabecular meshwork to become clogged, the aqueous humor can’t drain from the eye fast enough, and pressure inside the eye (IOP) increases.
Glaucoma usually occurs when too much pressure inside the eye causes damage to the optic nerve at the back of the eyeball, leading to permanent vision loss. Recent studies also have implicated low intracranial pressure (the weight that encompasses the cerebrum) as one of the risks for glaucoma.
Glaucoma side effects
Most kinds of glaucoma typically cause no pain and produce no symptoms until noticeable vision loss occurs.
This is one reason why routine eye exams are so important typically, an eye test is the only way to detect glaucoma before lasting vision loss occurs.
However, a less common kind of glaucoma called acute angle-closure glaucoma causes sudden, often severe symptoms of blurry vision, halos around lights, eye pain, nausea, and vomiting.
If you experience these symptoms, see an eye doctor close to you immediately so steps can be taken to decrease your IOP, lighten indications, and prevent permanent vision loss.
Kinds of glaucoma
The two primary kinds of glaucoma are:
Essential open-edge glaucoma
This is the most common kind of glaucoma and normally is the kind that eye specialists depict to their patients. In essential open-point glaucoma (POAG), the waste edge that prompts the trabecular meshwork looks typical, but aqueous fluid exits the eye too slowly.
Edge conclusion glaucoma
This is a less common kind of glaucoma where the drainage is too narrow or begins to close, impeding the normal outflow of aqueous humor. Angle-closure glaucoma can be either chronic or acute. The term narrow-angle glaucoma often is utilized to describe glaucoma that happens when the drainage angle is too small or is partially closed.
Glaucoma treatment
There are several kinds of glaucoma treatment, including medicated eye drops, microsurgery, laser treatments, and other eye surgery.
It’s important to realize that glaucoma treatments may prevent extra vision loss, however, they won’t restore vision previously lost to the disease. You can also use Careprost to cure glaucoma problem.
Depending on the kind, severity, and responsiveness of your glaucoma to treatment, your eye doctor may prescribe medical treatment, surgery, or a combination of both.
Glaucoma meds
The utilization of topical drugs (prescription eye drops) is the most common treatment for early glaucoma. The purpose of glaucoma eye drops is to lessen IOP to prevent vision loss.
The same medications used to treat glaucoma also are utilized to treat high eye pressure (without optic nerve harm or vision loss) to prevent the onset of glaucoma.
Preventing glaucoma
Would glaucoma be able to be prevented? Recent research suggests regular exercise lessens glaucoma risk possibly because it improves blood flow throughout the body, including the eyes.
In addition to regular exercise and an active lifestyle, you additionally might have the option to decrease your risk for glaucoma by not smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a varied and healthy diet.